We have a range of studio space here at Old Market Manor. The main focus of our space is furniture. With various machines available to use and different set of bench space, you can rent a space geared to your needs.  

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The Open Bench Project is available on a monthly rental basis. Storage space not included. Access to the machines authorized once induction is complete.

Previous experience is a must to be able to use the machines. Bring your own tools and materials to be able to create your project. 



The Bench Access is rented on a monthly basis and requires makers to have more commitment to the space than with the Open Bench Project. With access to machines, storage and the assembly bench. This space is lively in an open plan setting. 

 Previous experience is a must to be able to use the machines. Bring your own tools and materials to be able to create your own projects.





Private bays are rented for long-term residents who pay on a monthly basis.

These bays are for our long term members who are looking to build and grow their businesses. With more space, these businesses can thrive in Old Market Manor. 

With access to machines, storage and the assembly bench.